About Vida Rivera

Hello, I am a mother of two sons. One is 22 years old and one is 8 years old. I am a graduate of the University of Colorado in Anthropology and Regis University in Denver. I am originally from San Juan Puerto Rico and my first language is Spanish.

I love New Mexico, Colorado and the Western USA, and have been married for 36 years with a wonderful husband. I love dancing, cooking, reading and writing, swimming and bicycle riding when I have the chance. I love ancient archaeology and Latin American history.

I don’t over plan or overwork a travel trip–l would rather give myself enough time to people watch and for the spontaneous discovery of things and places. I think the culture of a people makes a place memorable. I never like lack of authenticity.

I can’t live without reading, writing, dancing, cooking, debating. I love Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and most of Latin America. Never been to Europe or Asia, but would love to go someday.

Musically I love world music, salsa, jazz, Latin Jazz, great African American music, world music, all kinds of music with a dislike of heavy metal, techno, bad rap music and anything where people think they know but never study and come up with low ability to substitute for lack of talent.

Food-wise, I love all kinds of cuisine except for junk food and low nutrition high shelf life tasteless stuff. My favorite cuisine is old school Puerto Rican and old school middle Eastern, Mexican, Italian and Asian of all sorts.

Love action movies, martial arts films and any film that is well made and in many languages.

I plan to become an Airbnb host in the future. I plan to buy a lovely furnished home in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico in the near future and host guests. I would also love to cook for them all kinds of excellent international cuisines.

I also used to do translations from English to Spanish and Spanish to English fast and accurately so if anyone needs that on their trip to Mexico I am your person.

Love to meet new people all the time. I currently live now in Merida Yucatan Mexico and plan on living the rest of my life in Mexico. See you all in the Yucatan!

Vida Rivera